The Joy of a Child 2

For my doubting children,
You are neither here nor there with me,
Sometimes, you are so fond of me
Sometimes, you don’t want anything to do with me,
You love and express your love for me
When things go well.
You worship me during the so-called
‘Holy days’ a few times in a year
Some of you express your love for me
Only when around other believers
But deny me of my fatherhood
When with others who are yet to believe in me
See how much I long for you,
Oh, the joy of a child.

You have mingled with others
Those who will neither remind you of my love
Nor help you remain faithful.
You have not forsaken me
I am no longer the One you seek entirely
You doubt my existence
You doubt my love
You have allowed the mundane things
To distract you from me.
“You have abandoned the love you had at first” for me.1
But I am always here waiting for you.
Oh, the joy of a child.

You have forgotten
“Bad company corrupts good morals.”2
It is not that you should
Live in a secluded area without interaction with those
You are yet to know or accept me
If that were the case, I would have taken you away from the world,3
Instead, my goal has always been to leave you on earth for a short time
To be my witness to my unfailing love
And protect you from the evil one.
However, you have allowed yourself to doubt my love.
Oh, the joy of a child.

You have become neither hot nor cold,
You know the truth about me
Yet, you decide not to love me
However, my love for you has always remained the same.
Although, you can ask any questions,
I have sent teachers and pastors,
and others without official titles but are spiritually mature to help you,
They may not have all the answers,
They will not have all the answers
Because they are not Me.
They are not God.
However, they will respond to your questions
And leave you satisfied
Because at the end of the day,
I will wipe all tears away, 4
And I, and only I, will answer all your questions
When I know you are ready for the answers,
Not when you think you are ready
Oh, the joy of a child.

For my children, who have always been faithful to me
Although not without fault,
But regardless, you come back to me for help,
What I say to you, I say to all
I love you with everlasting love.
You will face trials and tribulations in this world,
Sometimes, these trials and tribulations are unnecessary because of sin
But they happen
You say, ‘I’m a child of God. Why would God allow this to happen to me?’
You say I cannot fully comprehend why evil happens to others,
But I’ve done all I know I should be doing for God,
You say I know my works do not save me, but by grace through faith,5
Yet, I know I must work out my salvation with fear and trembling6
This is what I am doing precisely.
You say, ‘I try to live a holy life,’ and despite my failings and fallings,
Yet, I run to God when I fail and fall,
So, why am I faced with troubles beyond my understanding’?
You say, ‘I cannot understand the level and intensity of my situation,’
And ‘why would God allow that to happen to me?’
Oh, the joy of a child.

To my sons and daughters asking these questions and more,
For you or others,
Many things about God’s nature we cannot understand
Yet, we believe still, it is called faith.
It is not in the absence of pain that our faith increases
It is despite pain, suffering, and evil.
The question is pain and suffering,
The issue of God’s silence in the face of pain and suffering affects everyone.
But you must understand,
Like those who have gone before you,
Many have realized there is a reason these things happen
This does not mean it is all about bringing out good from evil
But my sons and daughter, you are more precious to me than anything
Oh, the joy of a child.

Sometimes you say, ‘I’m not as strong as You, God, think I am, so please
Stop what you are doing.’
But I say, ‘soon, there will be a song of joy and deliverance
Amid your pain.
One day, you will look back and realize the reasons.
If I tell you now, you will not understand it.
But keep trusting and believing because you are precious in my sight.
I love you with everlasting love.
Oh, the joy of a child.


Philippians 2:12.

Revelation 2:4.

1 Corinthians 15:33.

John 17:15.

Revelation 21:4.

Ephesians 2:8-9.

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